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Research | Product Design | Wireframe


The Eco-driving App is designed to be installed on a smartphone and potentially used by taxi drivers while driving to help them improve their fuel economy. The process of creating this technical solution starting from scratch is demonstrated briefly below.


  • Competitor Analysis. Research the relevant Apps available in the marketplace currently. 

  • Context of Use Analysis (CUA). We use this technique to specify in a systematic way the characteristics of the users, the tasks they will carry out, and the circumstances of use.

  • Persona and Scenario Creating. We catorgorised the user types according to their past experience: Novice User and Experienced User. Relevant Personas and Scenarios are tailored to represent our target users.

  • Requirement Specification Documenting. Document the Requirement Specification which consists of functional requirements and non-functional requirements. 

  • Prototyping. Conduct the wireframe prototype to represent the interface created.




项目描述:这是一个4人小组项目,项目要求: 为出租车公司的司机设计一个基于智能手机的环保驾驶App,用于提高燃油经济性。 

项目职责:1. 通过Context of Use Analysis的方法来系统地分析目标用户,获得用户需求。 2. 通过设计用户角色和场景设计来确认和获得更加具体的用户需求并将之转换为产品需求。 3. 通过画出线框图把产品需求表现出来。

Eco-driving App available in marketpalce

A section of CUA tables

Persona of novice driver --Emily

A section of a scenario

A section of requirement specification

A section of wireframe

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